April 12, 2011

Oldies But Goodies

Christmas, 2009
She's JUST turned 2, and of course speaks in complete sentences.
Off we go on a family visit to the bookstore for GrinchMas... where she quickly becomes obessessed with the Grinch... One Problem...

Momma, member when we saw the Bitch at the Books Place?  I yiked that. 

GULP... the bitch? think Helena, think...   Then it became the game... Is dad a Grinch?  No, Dad's not a bitch!  Is Momma a Grinch?  No, Momma's not a Bitch... are you a Grinch?

YES!  I a yittle Bitch! (Jumping up and down and clapping)

Summer 2010
We're temporarily using a different child care while our other provider heals from an injury.  This daycare has Christian influences, and says grace with meals.  The lil one is off washing her hands, and looks down to see them together in "prayer" position....

"Oh!" she says "Thank you Cheeses!"

Christmas Season, 2010
The "kid friendly" radio station with holiday music, played on the radio, conveniently at about 8:30 AM each weekday morning, about the 12 things at Christmas that are such a pain to me.... The second thing?  Rigging up the light.... and as you near the end of the verses, "Now Why the Hell are they blinking?" (links to edited version, which is NOT played on the radio... of course!)

3YO, laughing HYSTERICALLY in the backseat.... "Why the HOL-I-DAY blinking!
Kid Friendly?  Kid Safe?  I guess... if you have my kids!

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