May 5, 2011

Mincing Words

How my 3 Year Old woke up today...

"Do you Bee-nember Momma?  Do you bee-nember when we went to Bee-nagra falls? Bee-nember that? Momma?"

Yes!  I remember when we went to Niagara Falls!

"I bee-nember too!  I liked when we played the bee-tend fruits game where you WHACK them!"

"Bee-Nember when we went to the movies that we not at your work?  they weren't at the "Child Cancer", right momma?"  (FYI, I don't work in the Health Profession, nor does my job entail young people with Cancer... just another "cute" thing my 3 year old says!)

Yes!  I remember that!
"Bee-nember when dad took me and my brother to Friendly's to get you a Happy Birthday Cake for your Happy Mothers Day? Bee-nember that?"

No, I don't remember that... was that supposed to be a secret?


"Ok, don't tell me about that, OK?"

"OK Momma!"

1 comment:

  1. LOL! My boys always let secrets slip too. This mother's day, O said "Mom! I'm not going to tell you the secret about the shirt we bought you!"
